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"Sports do not build character. They reveal it."

At St. Peter's School, games are integral to our educational philosophy, ensuring students receive a holistic development that includes physical fitness and mental agility. We pride ourselves on offering a diverse range of sports and games, both outdoor and indoor, in alignment with the CBSE curriculum. Our aim is to foster physical fitness, teamwork, and strategic thinking among our students through the following activities:

Outdoor Games:

Indoor Games:

A healthy mind in a healthy body is the aim of our Yoga classes. The practice of yoga helps in enhancing physical fitness, mental clarity, and emotional stability. Incorporating yoga into the daily routine at school not only improves flexibility and strength but also fosters a sense of mindfulness and relaxation, which is beneficial for students’ academic and personal growth
At St.Peter’s:
We proudly host inter-school competitions, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and excellence. Our flagship event, the Chairman's Trophy, featuring basketball, has successfully completed four years, showcasing outstanding talent and sportsmanship. Additionally, we conduct competitive events in football, cricket, swimming, and volleyball, offering students ample opportunities to excel and build lasting memories through sports.


Educational Qualification: B.Ped/M.Ped

Specialization: Cricket/Athletics

Designation: Sports coordinator

Contact No: 9866587305