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From the Director’s Desk

“The growth mind set with grit is all about life of a future kid”
In every child, there is a world waiting to be explored. We are committed in our mission to inculcate in every child to recognize their inner potential between them and their thoughts. We, at St.Peter’s believe with a mission to make every child very strong in their determination and planning themselves. We harness them to be independent in their own work either doing self homework, reading, home etiquettes and being on time at all levels. We as a team of Parents, Teachers, Supporting Staff and Management should give our best love and care. Encourage kids at all times and give them a chance.

We, at St.Peters are trying to give best teaching and learning practices. We want all children to explore all sporting facilities in swimming, football, basketball, table tennis, cricket, volleyball etc, very shortly we will be having  temperature controlled pool , skating rink and separate spaces for art & craft, indoor activities, value education, environment, health education, visual and performing arts, culture and heritage, personality development are effectively woven into the main fabric of school curriculum.

Dear parents, lets built a great vibrant future together for a better tomorrow.

With Best Wishes
Sridevi Thumma 